Bad figurative painting is today’s hottest trend. Last autumn Artnet listed the top ten ‘ultra-contemporary’ artists (meaning those born after 1974) with the highest total auction sales so far that year. Counting down: Lucas Arruda, Jia Aili, Ayako Rokkaku, Dana Schutz, Amoako Boafo, Nicolas Party, Matthew Wong, Jonas Wood, Eddie Martinez, Adrian Ghenie. None are household names. All are figurative painters, though some play with bad abstraction as well. None are particularly exciting. Many, many others are climbing after them.

Since the list was published, Dana Schutz’s ‘Elevator’ (2017) sold for nearly £4.8 million at Christie’s Hong Kong, a new record price for the artist. The work is a poor impression of cubism. A century after Duchamp’s ‘Nude Descending the Staircase, No. 2’ (1912), Schutz paints people in clothes fighting in an elevator. She’s also painted ‘Trump Descending an Escalator’ (2017) in the style of early-20th century German expressionism, which went for £688,000 at Phillips last year.

It’s been clear for a while that art’s running out of ideas. Back in 2014, the critic Walter Robinson coined the term ‘zombie formalism’ to describe a trend for market-friendly abstract painting that took the dead formalist aesthetics of mid-century abstract expressionists and brought them halfway back to life. It was soulless, going through the motions, and had nothing new to say. ‘In our postmodernist age,’ wrote Robinson, ‘“real” originality can be found only in the past, so we have today only its echo.’ Young, ambitious painters looked for original ways of making copies, such as Jacob Kassay and his electroplating process, or Lucien Smith and his fire extinguisher filled with paint. For a brief moment their prices went up like an inferno, before falling away more slowly like ashes. It’s taken only a few years for a zombie figuration movement to rise up from the graveyard of art history and take their place.

Today’s bestselling figurative painting is all stylistic gimmicks and new ways of remaking the classics. Adrian Ghenie paints Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ in the style of Francis Bacon. ‘Emily Mae Smith,’ noted Alex Greenberger, in his essay on zombie figuration last summer, ‘has gotten an unlikely number of artworks out of no more than recreating famous paintings with the human subjects replaced by broomsticks.’ Her ‘Alien Shores’ (2018), which sold for a record £277,200 at Phillips last autumn, shows a broomstick gazing wistfully at a cosmic sunset under twin moons. It’s the first-ever portrait of a household cleaning object experiencing saudade. Edward Hopper meets Space Odyssey meets Homebase. Julie Curtiss, whose work fetched a record £292,000 at Christie’s New York in winter 2019, paints in a similar manner, but rather than broomsticks, her imaginary world is full of people and objects made of coiffured, glossy brown hair. Ewa Juszkiewicz, who recently joined the all-powerful Gagosian Gallery, paints 18th and 19th century-style European aristocratic portraiture with a twist: faces are obscured by hair — again — or by plants, satin or tribal masks. I see dead people; with knickers on their face.

These paintings belong to and assume the logic of the feed: designed to be apprehended in under five seconds

Such quirky, esoteric mash-ups feel less like stylistic innovations and more like branding exercises, reflecting a present in which one’s ability to market oneself is more important than mastering a craft or coming up with fresh ideas. As critic Sean Tatol recently noted for the Manhattan Art Review: ‘Like late Mozart, artists are often only concerned with superficialities such as aesthetic ornament or self-branding and have little to no consideration of the formal qualities that actually matter.’ There’s a lack of new ideas in art, and so slipshod and incoherent bootlegs of worn-out aesthetics are revived and presented once more as the next big thing. The canon is reimagined with twists, in paintings with the uncanny appearance of having been designed by algorithm and made by Snapchat or Instagram filter. They occupy the bardo between content and art. They belong to and assume the logic of the feed: they’re designed to be fully apprehended in less than five seconds. They’re not images of reality so much as images of paintings, bled of affect. As this approach keeps selling, the art world keeps churning it out. Figurative painter go brrr.

While zombie formalism came and went quickly, and was a relatively small trend, zombie figuration is a global phenomenon. There’s just so much of it. It keeps coming in tiresome, undead waves, traipsing through the apocalyptic 2020s. Its power resides in its lifeless multiplicity. Bad figurative painting is everywhere. It crawls into every room, from museums to galleries, to cool young project spaces, to the world at large. Former president George W. Bush is a bad figurative painter now. Hunter Biden was, notoriously in art circles, painted naked by a London-based terrible painter. The most expensive painting in history, Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Salvator Mundi’, which was authenticated in 2008, in a studio above the National Gallery, as his lost masterpiece, and sold at Christie’s New York in 2017 for £342 million, has been heavily restored and looks awful. Christ’s face is too big. Conservators have moved his eyes to the wrong place. Even the saviour of the world has become a clumsy copy, another bad figurative painting. In today’s exhausted moment mediocrity can thrive as never before.

The oldest critique of modern art in the book is to say: ‘My child could make this.’ Usually this refers to a sloppy, high-concept piece. Most bad figurative painting is the opposite: these are technically proficient paintings lacking in world-views or provocations. They don’t look like they were painted by children; they look like they were conceptualised by children to please other children.

Street artist turned market darling Kaws remakes pop-cultural staples in his own comic style. In spring 2019 he shocked the art establishment, and changed the game, when his painting ‘The Kaws Album’ (2005), a remake of The Simpsons’ remake of the Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band cover, was sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong for £10.9 million on April Fools’ Day.

By November that year, Christie’s Hong Kong had jumped on this latest trend and given it a name, organising ‘Hi-Lite’, a 16-lot sale of Asian and Western artists working with cartoon forms and kitsch pop aesthetics: Kaws, Yoshitomo Nara, Takashi Murakami and Pharrell Williams, Mr., Madsaki, Erik Parker, Nicolas Party and Alex Israel.

‘Hi-Lite’ is high art for people who don’t like complicated ideas; people who, when they’re watching a cartoon, begin to wonder if they might be inside the cartoon. Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner keep a large portrait of Alex Israel’s head hanging over their breakfast table. It’s art that’s easy to apprehend and enjoy, and also to post. ‘Lite’ is for light, but also for literal. It’s the bimbofication of art.

Bad figurative painting is a renunciation of art’s radical avant-garde potential, but also of traditional ideas of sublime and transcendental beauty. It’s polite, unremarkable, middle of the road. Pleasant enough, but mediocre at heart. Nice but dim. As such, it’s an apt example of what blogger Venkatesh Rao described in 2017 as today’s ‘premium mediocre’ lifestyles: ‘Mediocre with just an irrelevant touch of premium, not enough to ruin the delicious essential mediocrity.’ The examples he gave included ‘cupcakes and froyo… cruise ships, artisan pizza, Game of Thrones, and the Bellagio’.

In the 1980s, German artists such as Martin Kippenberger and Albert Oehlen, joined in the 1990s by Britain’s Merlin Carpenter, played with ideas of bad painting in an ironic and knowing fashion, looking to challenge the status quo by making paintings that were even more dumb and meaningless than everyone else’s, but bad painting has now become the status quo. If painting badly was once a punky bohemian nihilist mode, it’s since been incorporated as a sign of earnestness, integrity. Today’s bad figurative painting is inoffensive by nature, unambitious in technique, and dreadfully earnest, and it’s this total inoffensiveness and lack of ambition or edge that makes it so frustrating, and, for me, dispiriting. Its ubiquity, its decorative quality, and the ridiculous prices it commands only make the nausea worse. If I’m so clever, and these painters so foolish, how come they make more in a morning than I do in the year? Who’s the real idiot?

What does it mean, this rotten painting? The earliest figurative paintings in the caves were likely a form of hunting magic. In ancient Greece, artworks were representations of ideal forms. Later came celebrations of the glory of God, and the beauty of man, and modern explorations of perception and the subconscious, and pop art, and postmodern experiments in appropriation and irony, and conceptual gestures. But what painting does now is unclear. Jonas Wood paints plants and vases. Josh Smith paints empty streets during lockdown. These are paintings of nothing. Watered-down, cordial, dull subjectivities. There’s so much figurative painting, so little abstract thought.

Just as socialist realism produced accessible images of contented lives under communism, today’s figurative paintings reflect the banality of modern life without passion or criticality. They’re manifestations of the triumph of literalness in society: a desire for relatable images with everyday subjects that remind us of our own lives. All culture has been tending towards shallow content lately. Hi-Lite gives us cartoons that are also paintings, just as Hollywood gives us superhero movies instead of cinema, just as publishing houses give us Young Adult fiction in place of literature. We’re served Instagram-friendly cultural objects that anyone could come up with and anyone can understand without thinking. It’s zombie entertainment. It’s ‘Let people enjoy things’ culture. Don’t let people enjoy things. Enjoying things has brought us to the edge of the abyss. What we could do with instead is more challenging and unconventional painting.

First published in the spectator by Critic Dean Kissick

By John Hogan October 28, 2023
Can satirical painting be reconceptualized in relation to the social dynamics of alter modernity, allowing for an unambiguous articulation of accessible statements? Abstract Satire’s importance speaks to a wide audience through universal signs, systems, and icons. A key facet of my research is to examine the changing ways in which these signs communicate within changing multicultural and historical epochs. Visual Satire has been understood historically as both a political cartoon, and fine art painting. Hogarth is remembered as the forerunner of satirical caricatures and moral paintings, a genre which would later develop into cartoons. An example of Hogarth’s painting is A Rake's Progress, which took a satirical look at the government and social scene of the day, highlighting the worst of English culture. An early exponent of satire was Francisco Goya, who criticized his society through his Black Painting’s series. The war between France and Spain seriously impacted Goya who painted a satirical view of the third of May atrocities. The works described and addressed the social wrongs within a unified social field, particular to his own time. The relationality of alter modernity to my project represents the coalescing of postmodern fragmentation into an arena of conflicted certainties. Alter modernism represents a reformulation of the social field within a creolization, archipelago context. Alter modernism advocates for universal certainties and truths. Contemporary satire operates within the epoch of alter modernity which places transcultural universal tensions into conventional definitions of satire, and it is uses. These tensions exist within postmodernism, which is born of colonial west centricities. Postmodernism undermines universal certainties and truths, and problematizes allegory and the auspices of authorial practice, negating the presence of multiculturalism and universally understood sign systems. The relationality of alter modernity conflicts with colonial west doctrines. Satire needs to be rethought in a world of hardened attitudes and threatened identities, which are attempting to navigate a world in perma crisis. A characteristic used to identify Postmodern painting was a distinct break between fine art and popular culture. An example of colonial west postmodern painting is by the American Peter Saul, variously described as a pop artist and a satirist, whose work is entrenched in American culture. Painting is a means of addressing this world in opposition and re-introducing a sense of universal value through the specificity of the medium. I aim to understand satirical painting’s role as a universal conduit for relationality, within the theoretical framework of alter modernism. My research will question painting’s relation to the receiver of the work through individual envirobiopsychosociospiritual factors, that may influence aesthetic image judgement. My research has acknowledged that the common experience of painting has an affect through emotive response. Satirical painting positioned as facilitator through exhibitions act as a conduit for the inclusion of the respondents' voices as lived experiences of perma crisis. My research will be qualified through a series of workshops, lectures, and seminars to share information and garner critical feedback to test audience response. Original contribution The specificity of painting’s debate is the perimeter for my engagement in painting within the traitorous waters of alter modernity. Satirical painting is currently under explored in this debate, despite Kippenberger’s satirical focus of foundational reference within it. I am contributing a renewed engagement with satire in the context of debates around alter modernity and the rethinking of painting’s specifity. My project seeks to address the scarcity of satire within the specifity of contemporary painting and the framework of curational practice. Within the ecology of the art world, I extend the scope of renewed engagement with painting’s specificity within the 21st Century and link this position to relationality under the auspices of alter modernity. Research Aims 1.I will seek to engage unique and universally applicable address of painting within the context of satire. I aim to understand the extent to which satirical painting affords a universal meter for relationality, through the auspices of alter modernism. 2. My project seeks to show auto-ethnographic studio practice and contested audience responses as objects of enquiry. The exhibition context will inform these aspects of my investigation Research sub-Questions 1. How can individual studio practice support an auto-ethnographic investigation of Perma crisis to produce a series of satirical paintings? 2. Can such paintings address audiences in a universal register, whilst acknowledging the relational dynamics of alter modernity? 3. What modes of presentation and audience participation can vocalize differing responses to my paintings and how can these voices be integrated into exhibitions of my work? Literature review The design of the content structure; (provisional table of contents) Satire, relationality, alter modernity and painting, presents a theoretical underpinning and practice methodology, to inform, validate, and add credibility to my research argument. Painting has a universal appeal; satire can be a vehicle for respondent relationality. This context assists me in rationalizing the development of the making and showing dimensions of my practice. Satire Satire has been used extensively throughout history as a tool for critique and social commentary. Contemporary notions of satire both academically and within the normalized constructs of the populace have become an ambiguous overarching umbrella term applied to a critique of political and sociocultural systems, humor, parody, sarcasm, and irony, through a wide range of modern media. An example of historic satirical painting is Pablo Picasso’s Guernica. Picasso painted Guernica as a reaction to the 1937 bombing of the Basque Country, Spain, by the fascist Spanish army, highlighting the pain and horrors of war. Satire was not Picassos’ intention; however, my research has indicated that the work does fall within the remits of ‘silent’ satire in the form of a critique (see: Declerc contemporary definition of satire; ‘Critique and entertainment’). The work shows how satire has assumed the wrongs it addresses which can be identified within coherent social contexts, such as the wrongness of individuals, institutions, systems, and shared values. The relationality of contemporary satire references the Latin origin ‘medley or stew’ which understands something original of the concept of satire. Contemporary satire contends with this fragmented social field of oppositional ideologies; however, the original ‘medley or stew’ definition is recovered within this current context. My literature review has enabled a broad definition of Satire. The historical theoretical discourse of satire is comprehensive, especially within the frameworks of literature, and theatre. Conden stipulates; “A putative origin within Greek satyr plays, that accompanied early tragedy then developed into Attic comedy, was questioned by Julius Caesar Scaliger (1484–1558) and seemingly disproved by Isaac Casaubon (1559–1614) who effectively supported the claim by the Roman rhetorician Quintilian (AD 35–c.100), that satire was a Roman invention (Casaubon, 1605; Quintilian, 1920–1922: 10.1.93). Casaubon argued that the word satire derived from the Latin, satura, medley or stew; and something of this etymology survived in English with “satira” being a broad platter (Bailey 1735; Facciolatus and Forcellinus 1828) Casaubon’s case has largely been accepted from John Dryden to the twentieth century” (Dryden,1693; Highet, 1962). (Conden, 2012. Pg. 356-377) Satire today has great viability and impetus within a society that is seemingly estranged from itself. In times of high insecurity, anger at social inequalities, and the general public's apparent disillusionment of the power elite, have enabled a revived focus on humor and satire, expressing public opinion, and appeasing anger and frustration. A collective example of the contemporary use of satire was illustrated through the Black Mirror, Art as Social Satire exhibition, presented at the Saatchi Gallery London (October 2018) It aimed to show the importance of art when the truth is stranger than fiction, in relation to our uncertain times. The exhibition highlighted works by 26 contemporary artists working within differing media, exploring the role of art in social satire. Relationality My research purpose is to understand how truth and relationality correspond to the specifics of painting as satire, bringing due priority to subjugated voices. My research seeks to understand how relationality corresponds to individual and collective truths. Relationality can be seen as a universal construct, Crouch addresses relationality’s universality; “Universal signs are ingested both through diverse cultures and pertinent to an individual’s own culture. The cultural Design- The societal substrate is formed by intersubjectivity, the collective elaboration of meaning.” (Crouch, 2020. p.122). Rancière is addressing the constitution of ethics within relationality; Rancière states that Cultural equality is a universal right. “Rancière’s model of equality has had significant impact, he has enabled voices from those in a minority to emerge with confidence in different spaces, human beings constantly take part in several worlds.” (Rancière 2009 cited in Matthews, 2022. pp.749-763) International culture’s, differ from colonial west doctrines. Rancière’s model implies that all views should be considered as making an equal claim and not be subjugated to structures of consensus. Rancière’s ethical view corresponds to transcultural universality through an acknowledgement of an entire world collective view. Transculturalism recognizes cultural differences, and the specifics of the culturally defined self. Transculturalism extends through all cultures, combining elements of multiple cultures. Lewis outlines; “Transculturalism is distinguished by its emphasis on the problematics of contemporary cultures, in terms of relationships, meaning making, and power formation. Transculturalism is also interested in dissonance, tension, and instability.” (Lewis, 2002 pp. 749-763) encompassed by Alter modernism's transcultural universality. My research draws upon Althusser’s ISA’s thus accounting for its ideological development. Althusser differentiates the particularity of identities from the universality of primal responses, both equality (Rancière-ethics) and relationality, (Althusser -Crouch). Althusser acknowledges that learned behavior is pertinent to truth and relationality. It is universally accepted that human beings are normalized and socialized through societal systems. Althusser’s universal subjugation by authority claim recognizes the diversity of ideological development within different subjectivities. Within Althusser's paper ‘Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses’ (ISA’s) Althusser gives an account of ideological State apparatuses’ (ISAs): “The bourgeois institutions, notably family, education, and religion, that shape the subject to secure its submission to the rules of established order “. (Birdwell, 2017 p316) However, we must also consider the Holism of every unique human being as a multitude of envirobiopyschosociospiritual elements. (Lawler, 2001) Universal human coping mechanisms encompass both a biological and cognitive response. An example would be when watching a horror film (entertainment) just at the point when a particularly harrowing/gory moment happens, instead of a horrified recoil, a deep-seated laugh occurs. This is both a biological and cognitive response to a stressor. Fight or flight is an innate, universal coping mechanism. “A fight response; Arousal-endorphins-elation-counteraction-humor (laughter); ‘The ‘fight or flight’ response, or ‘acute stress response,’ If a stimulus is perceived as a threat, an intense and prolonged discharge of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), followed by attempts to flee, and, if not successful, by attempts to fight.” (Schauer, M. Elbert, T. 2010 pp.109–127) Alter modernity Alter modernity is a critical response to postmodernism. My research has found postmodernism to be a limited construct. Postmodern contingency fails to account for the emergence of transculturalism. Conversely, alter modernism accounts for the dynamics of transculturalism by offering a broader worldly view, that understands individuality, and the importance of allegory to individuals of diverse cultures. Alter modernisms transcultural universality offers a broader spectrum for satire as opposed to a Colonial west centric, politically secular, one culture view of postmodernism. Postmodernism can be described as a set of critical, strategic, and rhetorical practices employing concepts such as difference, repetition, the trace, the simulacrum, and hyperreality to destabilize other concepts such as presence, identity, historical progress, epistemic certainty, and the univocity of meaning. (Aylesworth, G. 2015 online) Postmodernism negates the concepts of authorial practice, and the allegorical narrative. Owens postulates; “Postmodernism neither suspends the referent but works instead to problematize the activity, when the postmodernist work speaks of itself, it is no longer to proclaim its autonomy, its self-sufficiency, its transcendence; rather, it is to narrate its own contingency, insufficiency, lack of transcendence” (Owens. 1980. p 58-80) Kippenberger and Atkinson offer an alternative to postmodernism. Kippenberger and Atkinson (Fig 5-6) undermine Owens’ account of postmodernism as the only way of accounting for art of the 1980s. Both artists anticipated the emergence of a unique way of working with the narrative, and analogy within painting, thus anticipating alter modernity. These ideas are informing and directing both my research and practice. My research seeks to understand how the lens of alter modernity casts the world. Alter modern's satirical relevance is founded upon what Bourriaud describes as nomadism (independent/self-determined) “Nomadism advances a critical strategy; its creative mobility challenges the homogenizing aspects of capitalism". (Bourriaud, N.1998. p 224) Nicholas Bourriaud augmented the term Alter modernism and curated The Tate Britain Tate Triennial in 2009. Presented a collective discussion around the premise that postmodernism was coming to an end, and that we are experiencing the emergence of a global alter modernity. "Alter modernism offers a multicultural universality defined by creolization and polyglot expansion. Contemporary culture can no longer be seen as a single totality, but as an interrelated network, described as an archipelago. Post modernism is dead. A new modernity is emerging, reconfigured to an age of globalization, understood in its economic, political and cultural aspects: an alter modern culture." (Bourriaud, N.1998. p 224) The Tate triennial exhibition was curated to involve the artists that Bourriaud recognized as fulfilling the new alter modern agenda. ‘The art is characterized by artists cross border, cross cultural negotiation; a new real and virtual mobility the surfing of different disciplines, and the use of fiction as an expression of autonomy.’ (Bourriaud, N.1998. p 225) Several of the artists that exhibited fulfilled a representational painting perspective. Notably, Navin Rawanchaikul, a Thai artist whose ancestral roots are the Hindu-Punjabi communities of present-day Pakistan. Bourriaud wrote in a ‘letter to the editor', in Navin's Sala 2008; “This generosity of iconography: Perhaps we have got too used to a dry spell of thought, instead of highlighting this tradition as such, like those bad artists who have no other ambition than to conform to what the market demands of them.” (Bourriaud, N. 2009. p 227) Painting My project frames painting practice as fitting in relation to our erratic times as it intrinsically holds within it, abundant possibilities for examining feelings of change and variance, expressively, materially, and idiomatically. My research has quantified a broad spectrum of the history of painting and its contemporary relevance. Painting has persisted despite innumerable efforts to negate it. Most explicitly, from the post-war period onward, painting has been fractured, deconstructed, and reconstructed again. Illustrated by the retreat from medium specificity, in the 1970’s, alongside the hegemonic force of Greenbergian formalism and the expanded field. Clement Greenberg's modernist criticism attempted to limit painting to its formal elements, which led to the rejection of painting in minimalist and conceptual art movements. David Joselit has stated; "Painting was killed by revolutions, it was killed by commodities; it was killed by flatness, and it was killed by sheer boredom, but repeatedly it was resurrected only to die another day. This is painting’s modern tragedy: a modern form of history painting." (Joselit. D 2002) however, Graw states "What is painting if it is not based upon an intrinsic aesthetic, a pleasurable commodity? Painting operates in the realm of sensual and affective qualities.” (Graw, I. 2018. p154) Graw sustains the contradiction of sensuousness and commodity exchange as central to painting’s specificity in contrast to postmodernism. “Among the traditional distinctions shed by art after Modernism were the specifications of genres and media. This condition of ‘post-modern art’ has acquired titles such as the ‘dematerialized art object’ (Lucy Lippard); ‘Intermedia’ (Dick Higgins) and the ‘post-medium condition’ “(Rosalind Krauss. p58). The loss of this distinction between art and ‘life’ meant a corresponding loss of certainty about what the rightful object of aesthetics is (Graw, I. 2018. p154) My research makes an appeal to the implicit qualities of painting as a re-evaluation of these debates. Painting is both reflective and reactive. (allegorical) Owens argument manifests mediation, particularly regarding allegory; “Painting is palimpsestuous, in having been reused or altered while still retaining traces of its earlier form; ‘A multilayered record, the withdrawal of the modernist arts from allegory may thus be one factor in their ever-accelerating loss” (Owens. 1980. p 58-80) Martin Kippenberger and Terry Atkinson are examples of painter's allegorical content in their move to history painting in the 1980’s Atkinson has stated; “Social Realism was Western art’s most conspicuous ideological opposite…I was seeking, that this work should mark itself out as a self-conscious attempt to break out from what I considered by 1974 as the narrowing preoccupations of Conceptualism”. (Yale Union. 2019 Article online.) My work offers a Critique of the history of inhumanity. The absurdity and dysfunction of the human condition, and its multinational, multicultural, systems. My work draws from historical episodes, an example is the central figure pushing a cart of dead bodies, referencing the holocaust. I Utilize satirical narratives, encompassing relationality (known events) and alter modernity (cross culture episodes) My current project work can be viewed here: Methodology My methodology incorporates painting, curating, and exhibiting. My literature review provides four key parameters (satire, painting, relationality and alter modernity) that will be combined within the studio and exhibition aspects of my methodology. a. Findings My methodology has gained favorable success thus far. I utilize satirical paintings as a conduit for consumer experience. Through exhibition testing I have understood that my work contextualizes content and readability for respondent uptake and viewpoints. My research found a receptive audience; the more an individual is directly affected by satirical life experiences, there seems to be a greater positive reaction. I also realize that my audience may have a far broader demographic. I wish to understand the changing moral and ethical reasoning of consumers in the uptake of personally challenging imagery comprehension. I have made efforts to realize a recent collaborative exhibition to collect data. Ethics approval has been accepted provisionally. I understand there may be limitations in the future regarding exhibiting some of my work. The MPhil period has enabled a passage through to PHD phase, through learning processes, one of the issues I have come to understand is that I require a more proficient way to engage effectively with audiences. The PHD phase of my project will seek to understand audience responses as objects of enquiry, through a range of exhibitions. I am interested in the differing modes of presentation and how audience participation can vocalize responses to my work, and how these voices can be integrated back into future painting exhibitions. I wish to research further through PHD phase, the relatable terms of stoicism, and Catharism in relation to audience encounter, and the mindfulness of subject proliferation. I have also considered utilizing other artists' work in differing media in conveying satire within future exhibitions, I will seek to action this collaboration within the PhD phase. My current research will be further expanded/developed to include interconnected details and structures of possible related fields. b. Reflection I possess a strong social conscience, and a deep concern for human rights, this, in combination with a unique lived experience, has enabled numerous painting styles to proliferate the satirical message. My practice-led research utilizes self-reflection, drawing upon my own life experiences and discursive engagements with a range of interlocuters. I position my work both within a contextual framework, and within an aesthetic paradigm. Satires codification creates a structured method representing the unique homo viator experience. I view my work as a political tool, a way of expressing my understanding of the world around me and suggesting new ways for society to evolve and adapt. My experiences recollected through painting combine with my impressions, ideas and beliefs while surveying the social context of conflicted ideologies. My paintings promote my goal of an egalitarian and just society that offers easily read and understood visual encapsulations of this vision. Paintings sufficiency has led me to think about the importance of exhibitions to facilitate a full expression of alter modernity. Autoethnography The Studio is the context of auto-ethnographic painting where I develop works that contextualize subjective experiences and frame them at the junctures of social relations. The auto-ethnographic and practice development specific to my project is also discussed within a series of video presentations. “Autoethnography includes the recognition of the ways personal/cultural identities, shape perception, and experience, the importance of narrative storytelling, and the crisis of representation, autoethnographic projects use selfhood, subjectivity, and personal experience to describe, interpret and represent beliefs" (Adams, T.E. Herrmann, A.F. 2020 pp. 1–8,) The transition from the studio process to exhibition and audience engagement is a manifestation of alter modernity. My methodology allows me to manifest the specificity of satire within alter modernity. Autoethnography explains my methodology in that it manifests the specificity of satire within alter modernity through painted image association (the relational codes of satire) Alter modernity encompasses transcultural universality, encompassing the relational self, that interrelates a collective understanding. An autoethnographic example of my process was when I was making a painting that inspired a realization within the studio. I realized that if my work was understood as it relates to myself, then it may be presumed to be relatable to a receptive audience. I have tested my research questions by supporting an investigation of perma crisis, by addressing audiences in a universal register, whilst acknowledging the relational dynamics of alter modernity. I have tested my methodological approach through exhibitions (Hanover project), interviews and presentations. I have interviewed Ken Curie. The interview with a contemporary painter verified my research by offering a comprehensive view of contemporary satire. The interview informed subsequent project development by example. The interview addressed directly the four themes of my research, in that Currie outlined his reaction to contemporary painting and satire's role within the art world. In a personal email response to my own work, Currie offered praise of both my style and subject matter. I returned the compliment, citing examples of his early work as favourites. I realized his stylistic approach had evolved from a mannerist approach to realism. Here is the initial question I formulated, with his answer: Q1. What are your views as to the relevance of representational painting within contemporary art? Would you consider your work to be mannerist in nature? If so, how does this relate to contemporary thinking, is mannerism justified? A.1. I think my earlier work up until the mid-1990s could be described as “mannered”, with elongations and distortions of the figure, and slightly caricatured heads. I then became disaffected by this work and started to work much more from observational notes and photographic references. This seemed to rid the later work of that mannerist quality, or what some would describe as a kind of mannerist expressionism. “Some of my work has been openly satirical. I produced a series of paintings around 2010 that depicted various worldly men and women - bankers, states people, soldiers - ostensibly as official portraits, but the characters were imaginary. The paintings were intended as a satire on the vacuous pomposity of most public figures” (Currie 2023 interview) Further research had qualified his painting transition to a more realist focus. I subsequently became increasingly dissatisfied with this contemporary style. I felt that he had undermined his practice and personal ethos, in that he had moved away from Mannerism: ‘I then became disaffected by this work and started to work much more from observational notes and photographic reference’s.’ I have also realized that my own current style is limited. I have become disillusioned with my technique and end style. In visually consuming Picasso’s Guernica once again, I have understood that I could go further with my painting style that continues to encompass satire and is still accessible. Therefore, it is my intension within the PhD phase to deconstruct my work further. The production of this new body of work will enable me to test my hypothesis through exhibition and consumer response as to the understandability of satire within an image. My work is a critique of multicultural dysfunctional political/societal systems. I utilize subject matter, which is informed by universal episode’s, (alter modernity) specifically a populations social unrest/dysfunction/breakdown, and its effects. In this case, mass revolt, protest, rioting, and crime in the form of looting. The satirical critique is informed by universal codes (relationality) and universally understood icons, namely a fair ground, producing a comedic effect, belittling the systems that create dysfunctional societies. Satirical Self-portrait. (Auto ethnological) I have produced a satirical self-portrait. The portrait was painted from life as a reflection in a mirror. Artists throughout history have produced portraits of themselves. The practice of the self-portrait is empowering, and meaningful. It necessitates looking inside oneself. “To work in an inner world as a way of deepening unique creative processes, to begin a dialogue between our thinking mind and our ‘gut’ to draw from an inexhaustible source of meanings which must be expressed.” (Nunez. C 2009 p51–6) Contemporary artists continue the tradition apportioning great emphasis to their persona and their place in space and time, often provoking a comically satirical portrayal; “Self-portraits of Catalan, Kelley, Kippenberger, Creed, Currin, and Holler, construct a sense of persona in their work which is often mocking and self-depreciating, the cruel prankster (Catalan), the angry adolescent (Kelley), the maudlin drunk (Kippenberger), the agonizer (Creed), the womanizer (Currin), the maligned scientist (Holler).” (Farquharson, Landers 2004. Cited in Higgie pp.129-196) Self-portraiture enacts an auto ethnographic practice transferable to multicultures as procuring universal allegorical references. Further reading is available here in a recent interview of my practice; Video presentation The video presentation is a vehicle of auto-ethnographic reflection and practice development unpacking and clarifying things for myself. Relating theory to practice. A documentary film comprising video sequences of my practice/process. This process of self-reflection enabled learning and development in three areas; Through reflection, I have understood that my process is creatively limiting in that when it results in prescriptive production, it is no longer facilitating the necessary disruptive 'real' of creativity. Process time has hindered my creative thought processes by stagnating my practice, undermining creative flow and dexterity. Documenting and exploring practice, has acknowledged that artist videos are meaningful to a majority, and the consequential infectiousness of artist dialogue creates a shared enquiry, painting as an encounter. The knowledge has inspired further research. My research has found Cognitive ecology, the study of cognitive phenomena in context, an interesting concept to explore further within the PhD phase. A link to my video contents here: -The codices of satire (Video 1. 45:16 / 3:57:46) (Video 4. 1:14:28 -1:16:19) (Video 5. 2:00:47- 2:03:09 + 2:03:17 - 2:04:33 /) (Video 3. 4:05:02- 4:07:26) - Signature style/lived experience/influences (Video 1. 2.04:41- 2:10:40) (Video 2. 1:59- 3:24) (Video 3. 4:47:54- 4:52:20) -The most significant moments in personal lived experience (autoethnography) self determination (Video 1. 2:32:54- 3:02:00) (Video 5. 1:17:581- 1:18:58) -Truth, relationality, universality, egalitarianism, accessibility (Video 2. 1:15:16- 1:16:21- + 1:30:28- 1:31:30) (Video 5. 1:14:08- 1:18:58) Painting /design / visual Aesthetics. Development (Video 5. 4:49:44- 4:57:55) (Video 3. 1:40:38- 1:42:20) (Video 3. 2:19:57- 2:25:42) Exhibitions Hanover Project (9 paintings) Jan/Feb 2023 I facilitated a group presentation (10-15 participants). I explained each work in turn. Towards the end of the presentation a questions and answers period. I understood that the work presented fulfilled my intention for auto lectic solace of entertainment. The satirical message was qualified as respondent recognition resulting in questions/remarks. For example, when viewing an anti-war painting, one respondent stated ‘we have never let our boys play with toy guns’ (normalization) Outlining that the painting had been easily read. I understood that the work presented offered sociability, through respondent interactions, along with my supporting dialogue, offering a relaxed atmosphere, necessary for critical dialogue. The experience informed audience reception that inspired personal and professional development. I experienced a degree of validation, for my practice, which was reassuring. The reassurance enabled an understanding of the importance the audience responses played within the social relationality of my practice. Describing the affective structure of the image and its capacity to operate within the affective register of subjectivizing and interpellation processes, described the universal relationality relevant within my practice. I understood that addressing audiences through the exhibition exercise enabled a confluence of ideas precipitating knowledge procurement. A meaningful dialogue creates a shared inquiry. The exhibition addressed relationality beyond the context of the studio (autoethnography) and opened the project towards an exhibition audience engagement phase. (MPhil. to PHD phase). The reassurance enabled understanding the importance the audience responses played within my practice's social relationality. PhD Phase Project Development Participatory painting exhibition. October/November2023 This project aims to understand how the occupation status of respondent's views of satirical paintings may influence personal affect. The exhibition will gain insight into the credibility, validity, and legitimacy of my painting as satire. I wish to understand satire's functionality, and merit, for non-academic respondents. By asking personal questions I will gain insight into a section of respondent’s views, this in turn will extend my methodology, from ‘displaying work’ to an ‘inclusive work’ The participant research directly informs my investigation, thus articulated as a live investigative process from which I will produce knowledge. I have created a video recording introducing the work and outlining the information I wish to obtain. Ethical approval has been Provisionally granted. Questions to be answered; -Is social standing a precursor for accessibility status? -Is the understanding of universal satirical signs dependent upon the lived experience of a defined social group? Respondents= 8-10 auxiliary staff members of UCLAN (various occupations) Exhibition of satirical paintings Introductory video Questionnaire Consent form Link to introductory video A-NT&cid=678e424e-b167-e596-314d-e64bf0e88ff9&ga=1 Research questions (exhibitions x2) 1. How do you respond to the work? What does it make you think about? How does the work make you feel? 2. Does the subject matter offend you? Is the work necessary? 3. If we understand satire as a mixture of critique and entertainment, Do you believe that the paintings shown are good examples of satire? 4. Is the artwork understandable? Can you read the work? Future practice projects Painting Exhibition- Preston bus station May/June/July 2023 My future projects planned are informed by my learning to date encompassing my provisional table of contents, thus extending my methodology, enabling me to realize the context and viability of my research questions going forward. My practice style has changed in line with my current thinking. Within the PhD phase I plan to create several satirical paintings which question the breadth and depth of the satirical image. An exhibition of 20-25 satirical paintings. Created for accessibility. (egalitarianism). This work will result in emotionally evocative expressions to inform the viewer in an empathic way. Designed to enlarge human understanding. Possible Inclusion of video recording on a loop. Participants/respondents- General public. No inclusion/exclusion criteria. It is understood that the Preston bus station exhibition must be sensitively organized to protect all parties. This may include withholding certain paintings, dependent upon the perceived user engagement, within a specific context. Data gathering through a visitor's book or video recording. Outlining pertinent questions stated above. Data sampling is specific to the premise that my work is egalitarian/ easily read, and relational to the non-academic. Open to the public and so a cross section of society may be present. Data gained will offer an interaction with a broad societal base. Timeline I am a full-time candidate, pursuing the MPhil/PHD route. I aim to transfer to PHD within 18 months. Within this 18-month timeframe I have produced 25 satirical paintings. Quadrant 1-9. I will engage in training sessions. I will conduct a thorough literature review. Quadrant 2-4. During this period, I will utilize the systems outlined in my methodology, to begin to gather qualitative data. Quadrant 1-10 I will continue to gather theoretical research. I will continue to access multifaced training opportunities. I may require Ethics approval at this stage. From 18 months to the end of the course (18+18 –36 months) During this period, I will produce a further body of oil paintings. I will finalize my research and update my literature review. Quadrant 7-10 I will analyze found data. Quadrant 7-10. I will Commence drafting of whole thesis. First full draft to supervisors. Final proofreading. Thesis final draft. Quadrant 7-12. Final exhibition This exhibition is currently in development, however, I understand that the specificity of the voices of the respondents as an exhibition component will be incorporated, by offering an interaction between the paintings and the viewer, that is voiced through critique, encapsulating my research questions. The audience’s voices can be mobilized as exhibition components through Interactive modes such as comment books, and questionnaires. This final exhibition will show that I have found out what the project seeks to achieve through the encapsulation of my research questions offered to respondent’s. Manchester Art Gallery (2024/25) I will contact Clare Gannaway, curator, contemporary art, regarding the planned Holden Gallery (MMU Manchester) exhibition. This is the final exhibition comprising of 30 paintings. Final Viva voce. In conclusion, A PGR research presentation, painting practice workshops, along with further exhibitions, gaining valuable audience participation will take place within the PhD phase. The individual chapters of my provisional table of contents each further a comprehensive approach affording a practice and theoretical framework for my research project. I believe I possess both the theoretical knowledge, and painting practice capability, to fulfill my future learning objectives, enabling a comprehensive fulfillment through PHD phase to final thesis. Courses UKRIO Research Integrity in Practice Research. James Bulley, Artist, and Researcher. Dr Stephen Farrier. Online event Wed 9th feb U K STATS 1 STATS 2 Qualitative Research: Theory and Practice - Workshop 1 Qualitative Data Analysis - Workshop 2 Qualitative Research: Workshop 3: Using NVivo NVivo workshop 3 Finding literature EndNote Training PGR Symposium for Creative Practices Research: Arts and Communities 23rd - 25th March 2022, University of Central Lancashire, Preston WISER Resources ( Please see all academic writing courses I have undertaken/ongoing References The Power of Ridicule: An analysis of satire. Le Boeuf M. (2007) Digital Commons The Exform. Bourriaud, N. (2015) London: Verso Futures Dissociation Following Traumatic Stress Etiology and Treatment. Schauer, M. Elbert, T. (2010) Journal of Psychology 2010; Vol. 218(2):109–127 Department of Psychology. University of Konstanz, Germany From Interpellation to Recognition: Althusser, Hegel, Birdwell, R. Z. (2017). Vol. 25, No. 1-2, p316 University of Nebraska Press. JSTOR Terry Atkinson. (2019) Article online. Yale Union. The Oregon Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts. Visual art and social structure: the social semiotics of relational art: Riley. H. (2013) Visual Communication. Sage The Art of Painting. Art as Representation and Expression. Whollheim, R. (2007) Cambridge University Press The End of Painting. Crimp D. (2010) Oct, Vol. 16, Art World Follies. The MIT Press The Aesthetic use of the Logical Functions in Kant’s Third Critique. Adair S. (2020) De Gruyter The Psychology of Art: The Psychology of Everything. Mather G. (2021). Routledge. Postmodernism. Aylesworth, G. (2015) The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2015 Edition) Online: E. N. Zalta (ed.), . The Efficacy of Expressive Arts Therapy in the Creation of Catharsis in Counselling. Zakaria, M. (2015) Vol. 6 No 6. Nov. Journal of Social Sciences. MCSER Publishing, Philosophy of painting: Ancient, Modern, Contemporary. Gaiger J. (2022) Bloomsbury Aesthetics Allegory. Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023. Cambridge Dictionary (2020) Aesthetic Theory. Adorno, T. W. (2000) A & C Black. Creativity, Virtue and the Challenges from Natural Talent, Ill-Being, and Immorality. Kieran, ML (2014) 75. pp. 1-2. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement Postmodernism: Anomaly in Art-Critical Theory. D. K. Holt (2001) The Journal of Aesthetic Education, Spring, 2001, Vol. 29, No. 1 pp. 85-93. University of Illinois Press Relational freedom and equality in learning: the effect of Sartre and Ranciere. Pedagogy, Culture and Society. Matthews M. (2022) 30 (5), pp. 749-763. Goldsmiths Research Online A cut in Relationality. Art at the end of the world. Colebrook, C. (2019) Vol 24. No 3. Journal of Theoretical humanities. Krauss, R. (2006). Two Moments from the Post-Medium Condition. Krauss R. (2006). October, 116, 55–62. MIT Press. History Painting Reassessed: The Representation of History in Contemporary Art. Atkinson T, cited in: Green, D, Seddon, P. (2000) P13. Manchester University Press. Postmodern afterthoughts. Hutcheon, L. (2002) Wascana Review Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education Against school: An Epistemological Critique. Ball S. Collet-Sabé, J. (2022) vol. 43, No. 6 p.997-8. Routledge Countering misinformation and Fake News Through Inoculation and Prebunking. Postmodernism: Anomaly in Art-Critical Theory The Journal of Aesthetic Education, (Holt, D. K 1995) Vol. 29, No. 1 pp. 85-93. University of Illinois Press The Allegorical Impulse: Toward a Theory of Postmodernism. Owen C. (1980). Oct, Vol. 13, pp. 58-80. MIT Press European Review of Social Psychology. Van Der Linden, S. Lewandowsky, S. (2021) Routledge The Relevance of Modern Stoicism. Maximillian V. K. (2021) Journal of Wellness: Vol. 3: Iss. 1, Article 5. p1 The aesthetics of caprice: in the circle of visualization, Popiel, M. (2015). Warsaw: Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences Philosophy, politics, and objective truth. Van Inwagen, P. (2013) Vol 5. p192 Enuresis Journal Truth and Theories of Truth. Raatikainen, P. (2015) The Cambridge Handbook of the Philosophy of Language. Cambridge University Press The Love of Painting. Genealogy of a success medium. Graw, I. (2018) Sternberg Press Painting Travesty. Joselit, D (2002) P 32. The Whitney Biennial catalogue. Whitney Museum of American Art. New York Visualizing Research: A Guide to the Research Process in Art and Design. Gray, C., & Malins, J. (2004). Ashgate Publishing. Painting Beside Itself. Joselit D. (2009). MIT Press Comic Irony and Narrative Coping, Satire, Comedy and Mental Health: Coping with the Limits Of Critique. DeClercq D. (2021) Emerald Publishing Alter modern: Tate Triennial. Bourriaud N. (2009) Tate Publishing The art of evidence-based practice. Pollio, D.E, (2006), 16(2), p 224. Humor In Art: A Celebration of Visual Wit. Roukes N. (1997). Davis Publications. From culturalism to Trans culturalism. Lewis J. (2002). Pg 5-10. Iowa Journal of Cultural studies Romantic Globalization: Martin Kippenberger's Metro-Net. Monat Shefte K. H. (2007) Vol 99, No 1, pp. 22-30. University of Wisconsin Press Expanding Our Autoethnographic Future. Adams T.E. Herrmann. A.F. (2020) Vol. 1, No 1, pp. 1–8, Journal of Autoethnography Painting in the Expanded Field. Fares, G. (2011) V. 18, N. 31 INTO ART: Peter Thomson with Ken Currie Modernism as a Philosophical Problem. Pipin. R. (1991) Cambridge. Basil Blackwell. A Definition of Satire, And Why a Definition Matters. Declercq D. (2018). 76 (3). pp. 319 -330. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism Modernity and Postcolonial Ambivalence. Enwezor, O. (2008) Cited in: Altermodern: Tate Triennial Bourriaud.N (2009) p 94. Tate Publishing Alter modern: Tate Triennial Bourriaud N. (2009). Tate Publishing The Power of Ridicule: An Analysis of Satire. LeBoeuf, M. (2007) Humor In Art: A Celebration of Visual Wit. Roukes N. (1997). Davis Publications. (Collins 2022) Romantic Globalization: Martin Kippenberger's Metro-Net. Monat Shefte K.H. (2007) Vol 99, No 1, pp. 22-30. University of Wisconsin Press Expanding Our Autoethnographic Future. Adams T.E. Herrmann, A.F. (2020) Vol. 1, No 1, pp. 1–8, Journal of Autoethnography The Artists Joke: Documents of Contemporary art. Higgie, J (2007) Whitechapel. MIT Press. Why are conceptual artists painting again? Because they think i t is a promising idea. Verwoerd, J. (2018) University of Chicago Press Painting in the Expanded Field. Fares G. (2011) V. 18, N. 31. Lawrence University INTO ART: Peter Thomson with Ken Currie: Modernism as a Philosophical Problem. Pipin R. (1991) Cambridge. Basil Blackwell The Definition of Satire, And Why a Definition Matters. Declercq, Dieter (2018) 76 (3). pp. 319-330. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism Modernity and Postcolonial Ambivalence. Enwezor O. (2008) Cited in: Altermodern: Tate Triennial. Bourriaud N. (2009) Tate Publishing The Love of Painting: Genealogy of a Success Medium. Graw I. (2018) Sternberg Press Creativity and self-Determination in Personality. Sheldon, M.S (1995) Vol. 8, No,1,25-36 Creative Research Journal. Laurance Erlbaum Associates Satire: A critical reintroduction. Griffin, D.H. (1995) University Press of Kentucky. Autoethnography, personal narrative, reflexivity. Bochner A. P, Ellis C. (2006) Handbook of qualitative research. 2nd ed pp. 733–768. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Relational Aesthetics. Bourriaud, N. (1998) Collection Documents sur l'ar The use of social media for academic practice: A review of literature. Guy, Retta (2012) Vol. 1: Is. 2, Article 7. Kentucky Journal of Higher Education Policy and Practice Aesthetics and its objects; Challenges from art and experience. Halsall, F. Jansen, J. O’Connor, T. (2006) P.123. Journal of Visual Art Practice Volume 5 Number 3 Michael Cline. 15 Sep - 13 Oct Reich. D. (2007) Found online: Exhibitions: New York Behind the Screens: Nursing, Somology, and the Problem of the Body. Lawler J. (2006) Sydney University Press. Satire and Definition. Conden, C. (2012) De Gruyter Mouton Postmodern Afterthoughts. Hutcheon L. (2002) Wascana Review The self-portrait: A powerful tool for self-therapy. Nunez. C (2009) 11, No. 1, 51–6 European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling Research Acts in Art Practice: Studies in Art. Sullivan G. (2006) 48:1, p 28 Studies in Art Education. Journal of Issues and Research Education.
By John Hogan July 12, 2023
Original interview here Q1. Could you please share some insights into your personal and artistic journey? What specific experiences and motivations have shaped you into the individual you are today? I am now in my early 50’s. I began drawing and painting from a very young age, I can remember drawing before primary school. All my life I have had a compulsion to create. Life has created barriers to this creativity, however, I persisted as it was a part of me, and I had to do it to fulfill creative urges. I believe an artist is born not made. Genetically predisposed. Many people dislike this view, and it can be met with great hostility. Indeed, contemporary art through the critics such as Clement Greenberg have discounted the notion of the unique artist, dispelling concepts of innate talent, as elitist, and arrogence on the part of the artist who must therefore believe they are special and unique. I find this idea personally affronting. I am what I am. I have a natural ability, I was made this way. I didnt have the best of starts in life, not unlike many people. I came from a working class family, we had the basics of existence. We lived on council estates, we moved a lot when I was a boy so never gained friends and always felt insecure. I left the family home when I was 15 due to an abusive step dad, and a divorce that precipitated my mother leaving. I was homeless for 18 months. I had to learn how to survive very quickly. I was variousely employed, mostly farms, building sites, factories, working class, mundane jobs. I also had periods of unemployment. I drew and painted constantly throughout this time, I travelled through many bedsits. I alwys maintained my artwork in various forms. When I was 21 I entered university on the strength of my artwork that I produced at the interview. University changed my life, it was a culture shock after being on building sites, very civilised. I was quite rough around the edges. My BA was in Graphic Design/illustration. My MA (which I accomplished over ten years later, was in Illustration. I managed to find an illustration agent when I completed my BA. Over a two year period I completed many briefs for national and international clients. I met my future wife at university. The in laws, didn't believe the creative industries were financially sustainable for their daughters future happiness. They encouraged me to retrain. I subsequently embarked on a psychiatric nursing degree (4 years training) When completed I was employed by the private health care system, I worked in the community for various trusts and then into the NHS. I was employed in a forensic high secure hospital for the criminally insane for 5 years. It changed me forever. As a homeless person I had experienced trauma, however, After reading hundreds of patient histories, It made me realise just how widespread the personal and societal dysfunctionality is. Long story short, I lost everything, my wife, house, and employment as a qualified nurse. I ended up back in a bedsit, with seemingly no hope and no future. It took a long while building myself back. One of the positive things about learning life early is that your ‘fight’ remains with you. I am a very determined person, dogmatically so, I posess a very strong personal drive. To be able to teach I required a PHD, and so here I am. I always avoided the fine art education route myself. All I could see was conceptual art. Very little painting and mostly abstracted or deconstructed to varying degrees. I was always a figurative painter, as far back as I can remember, all the artists that influenced me, and that I admired, where figurative painters. Satire has always been part of my life, I just didn't know or understand the concept until I was older. I understand now, that a satirical catalyist describes my life experience. I also know that satire is an extremely powerful tool. I added painting as vehicle, and autoethnography as driver. Q2. How do you incorporate satire into your paintings to convey powerful messages to your audience? Could you also shed light on your creative process when bringing a finished artwork to life? My personal and professional ethos encorperates egalitarian principles. Everyone is equal, Art (painting) is for everyone, not just an elite few. In this respect, the aim of my work is accessiblity, I wish my work to be easily read. Satire’s codes offer a vehicle for relationality through universality. Codes such as, parody, analogy, metaphor, and subversion, and universally recognised signs, icons, and graphics, can be utilised to inject a powerful means of communication. I also use the universality of humour. I do this in a number of ways, through comical characterisation, a focus on primary colours to accentuate the ‘cartoon’ aesthetic, and I utilise design principles such as space, perspective, perceived motion, and depth to create a satirical narrative. I view my work not unlike a cartoon animation film still, an episode captured in time. I do have video content on you tube which describes my process it can be viewed here: Q3.In your statement, you mentioned that your art goes "above and beyond present contemporary multimedia and modern art’s theoretical ideation." Can you deconstruct these ideas for us? Satire tends to be circumscribed by a limited understanding of media in which it can be realised. It appears that a majority of people assume that Satire only exists through the doctrines of political cartooning and amateur memes. However, the common experience of painting has affect through emotive response. The aesthetic judgement is that whose determining ground lies in a sensation that is immediately connected with a feeling of pleasure and displeasure. I understand that painting is a unique vehicle. A painting's uniqueness underlies its status as a precious object. The singularity, preciousness, and longevity of the painted picture continue to have a latent resonance in painting’s contemporary status, painting is a high art, a universal art, a liberal art, an art through which we can achieve transcendence and catharsis. Painting is a great unbroken tradition that encompasses the entire known history of man. The expressive warmth and subjectivity of painting, opposed to the cold functionality of the digital image, which serves primarily as a vehicle of information. In contrast to the rapidity, ubiquity, and ease of digital reproduction, the labour of painting and the comparative slowness of execution gives it a singularity that lifts it out of the unending flow of media images. Satire can continue to illicit credence through the specificity of paintings vitalistic vernaculars. Painting has persisted despite innumerable efforts to negate it. Most explicitly, from the post-war period onward, painting has been fractured, deconstructed, and reconstructed again. Illustrated by the retreat from medium specificity, in the 1970’s, a move largely made in opposition to the hegemonic force of Greenbergian formalism and the expanded field. Painting was killed by revolutions, it was killed by commodities; it was killed by flatness, and it was killed by sheer boredom, but repeatedly it was resurrected only to die another day. This is painting’s modern tragedy: a modern form of history painting. Painting is based upon an intrinsic aesthetic, a pleasurable commodity, Painting operates in the realm of sensual and affective qualities. However, Modernism is opposed to the notion of painting as a pleasurable commodity. Among the traditional distinctions shed by art after Modernism were the specifications of genres and media. This condition of ‘post-modern art’ has acquired titles such as the ‘dematerialized art object’ (Lucy Lippard); ‘Intermedia’ (Dick Higgins) and the ‘post-medium condition’ (Rosalind Krauss). The loss of this distinction between art and ‘life’ meant a corresponding loss of certainty about what the rightful object of aesthetics actually was. (Best, S. Halsall, F. J, O’Connor. 2006) Postmodernism neither brackets nor suspends the allegory referent but works instead to problematize its reference. I would argue that the heterogeneity of art necessitates a return to the importance of auto ethnographic practice. Artists may be aware of the codices of visual aesthetics and may utilise this knowledge to apportion meaning through allegorical narratives. Allegorical narratives will remain a failure to read unless an understanding of the universality of visual language is employed to elicit accessibility, readability and moral empathy. My project frames painting practice as fitting in relation to our erratic times as it intrinsically holds within it, abundant possibilities for examining feelings of change and variance, expressively, materially, and idiomatically. Painting has a history of re-invention, and, so, in support of this, I contend that rectification in painting is continuously revealed culturally, materially, and through the vehicle of painting's vernaculars. Painting is both reflective and reactive. Graw postulates; ‘Painting is its context’ painting has sustained itself by internalising socially constructed values.’ However, Joselit asserts that; ‘painting is ‘beside itself’, transitivity is a form of translation; when it enters networks, paintings are submitted to infinite dislocations, fragmentations and degradations, as Kippenberger suggested, these framing conditions cannot be quarantined, painting is beside itself.’ (Joselit 2013). Owens argument manifests mediation, particularly regarding allegory; ‘Painting is palimpsestuous, in having been reused or altered while still retaining traces of its earlier form; ‘A multilayered record, the withdrawal of the modernist arts from allegory may thus be one factor in their ever-accelerating loss’ (Owens. 1980) How do you perceive the current political and social atmosphere, and what are your thoughts on its impact? Furthermore, where do you believe art stands amidst these global changes and modifications? The world is in Perma crisis. Defined as an extended period of instability and insecurity, and illustrated through dysfunctional World politics, multi-societal inequalities, and injustices. A constant state of uncertainty and worry, through the upheaval caused by high energy costs and a universal cost of living crisis, world poverty, the covid pandemic, climate change, world societal displacement, heightened migration, and a devastating war in Ukraine showing no sign of de-escalation. Bad news is seemingly everywhere, this is the milieu in which satire exists. I position my work within the alter modern spectrum. Nicholas Bourriaud augmented the term Altermodernism and curated The Tate Britain Tate Triennial in 2009. Presented a collective discussion around the premise that postmodernism was coming to an end, and that we are experiencing the emergence of a global altermodernity. Bourriaud stipulated that the new universality of world cultures marked a world culture shift as opposed to a Colonial west centric criticism attributed to the auspices of both modernism, and postmodernism. Alter modernism offers a multicultural universality defined by creolisation and polyglot expansion. “Contemporary culture can no longer be seen as a single totality, but as an interrelated network, described as an archipelago. Post modernism is dead. A new modernity is emerging, reconfigured to an age of globalisation, understood in its economic, political and cultural aspects: an altermodern culture.” (Bourriaud, N.1998) The Tate biennial exhibition was curated to involve the artists that Bourriaud recognised as fulfilling the new Altermodern agenda. “The art is characterised by artists cross border, cross cultural negotiation; a new real and virtual mobility the surfing of different disciplines, and the use of fiction as an expression of autonomy.” (Bourriaud, N.1998) Alter modernism offers a conduit for the relevance of satire’s pluralism Bourriaud suggests “The alter modern artist produces links between signs far away from each other, explores the past and the present to create original paths” (Bourriaud, N.1998) The linkage of signs conforms to the relational discourse of alter modernity. Semiotically speaking, viewers of art take up positions, adopt attitudes and points of view which are influenced by positions within their own unique set of social relations. Such an ideological positioning involves a specific way of using signs (a semiotic), and a structured sensibility (an aesthetic) both grounded in a particular system of social relations. Alter modernity offers a broad spectrum of social relations, as opposed to the colonial west centricity of postmodernism “Our civilisation, which bears the imprints of a multicultural explosion and the proliferation of cultural strata, awaits transformation into an archipelago, today's mass cultural movements amount to agglomerations that can be described as continental” (Bourriaud, N.1998) Currently, you are pursuing a PhD in painting as satire. Can you tell us how the research is going? What challenges have you found during your PhD journey? The aim of my research is to build a framework for inquiry within satirical painting, to invigorate and inform practice, acknowledging the distinct knowledge of the painter as maker and the confluence of reflection and doing. A practice development is an approach to painting that mobilizes common qualities of experience in a fragmented/divided world. Satire as a vehicle for cathartic intervention. I will promote a pictorial language, utilising the codices of satire to support my research. My critical analysis will enrich my process, the progress will inform my thesis, evidenced through satire, alter modernity, and auto-ethnography. The meaning throughout my work is inherent within both the internal structure of the work and its contextual presentation. I will test and examine satire's meaning through studio and exhibition projects. A body of satirical paintings will enable a confluence between image and observer, and will facilitate discourse, which can then be quantified and evidenced. My practice-led research will utilise self-reflection, drawing upon my own life experiences and discursive engagements with a range of interlocuters (curators, fellow researchers, gallery audiences, etc.) Autoethnography includes the recognition of the ways personal/cultural identities, shape perception, and experience, the importance of narrative storytelling, and the crisis of representation, autoethnographic projects use selfhood, subjectivity, and personal experience to describe, interpret and represent beliefs. Preliminary results have indicated that painting practice produces works to be appreciated for both their inherent painterly conditions. Participant research through intervention, and discourse will directly inform this investigation. I wish to examine how respondents interact with, and interpret my work. I will do this by facilitating painting exhibitions, allowing for the specificity of the voice of the audience/respondent as an exhibitionary component. The voices of the wronged/othered, couple with my own, retaining specificity of opinion of my practice through credence and validation feedback. As an artist it is my decision to take on responsibility for speaking that can be shared in different formats with audience members. Universality, the quality of involving or being shared by all people or things in the world or of a particular group, is the paradigm in which my own practice exists. I have understood that the universality of satirical codes may contribute to a wider acceptance of satire within painting as a mode of expression. I have also discovered that respondents may be encouraged through satire as cathartic intervention, a process I wish to investigate further. My literature review has indicated that a political cartoon, even as it is made by an artist and shares a portion of value things with painting, remains delineated from painting by the fine art establishment. The implications of my findings to date are at odds with an anti-narrative doctrine and, continues to create much consternation within the commodified art world. ‘Painting’s new-found popularity is paradoxically compromised by an expanded but incestuous art market, and through social media platforms, supported by these now naturalised means of transmission, painting is more widely disseminated than ever before, but at the cost of its sensuous materiality and experiential address. My research suggests that the art world views may need to be revisited, especially considering egalitarian principles (art for everyone), and universal accessibility. Artists and their artworks are immersed in the general intellectual and creative environment generated by culture, that affects everyone, and so an understanding of the form, content and meaning of artworks requires an appreciation of the cultural and social context within which they are expressed. My findings relate directly to my original context. The implications of my research postulate a return to representational painting and the resurgence of the satiric mode within paintings specifity. My research has found a new receptive audience in laymen terms, as opposed to the high academic, or person of high social class. It appears that the more an individual is directly affected by satirical issues, there appears to be a greater positive reaction. (Catharism). The positive reception outlines the egalitarian principles behind my work. Everyone is equal, art is for everyone. In this regard I have also found that alter modernism holds great potential for reaching a multicultural audience. The universal codes of satire are omnipresent, and universally understood. Painting’s specifity holds a majority universal appeal. My research project addresses concerns about how collective modes of reception can navigate specific political contestations. I have encountered ethical issues. I have understood that some potentially harrowing imagery may have to be withheld from prospective exhibitions. The universal specifity of satirical painting as a solution to satire consumption remains in question. There remains a requirement for further depth of research and practice testing. How important do you think it is that artists critically create a discourse around social and political issues? What pitfalls can you see on this path? I believe all artists and all art has some intrinsic social conscience. Throughout art history social commentary has been outed. Artists have always looked around them, critiqued their environments and the follies of their fellow man. Artists are inattely guided by a pronounced sensitivity, they are more enclined towards high perceptivity, and intuition, artists are a catalyst for multicomplexual information and visaul aesthetics, that guide their creativity. I beleive it is arts responsibility to act as a conduit for contemporary mass information, indeed, I believe it is an individual artists resonsibility to record their contemporary view for both prosperity, and the wider public good. “Artists are called upon to comment on current social and political issues, artists act as political commentators, and activists for social or environmental issues, it has been used for centuries as a powerful medium for the dissemination of political and religious propaganda” (Mather, G. 2021) My argument throughout my phd is centererd around how painting’s specific vitalistic vanaculars can, and should continue to be, a significant mode of recording contemporary life, and be accepted by the fine art establishment as a return to narrative enquiry, as opposed to current multimedia. I am arguing for the return of the importance of autoethnographic painting, the estranged narrative, and allagorical meaning. I have experienced some ethical issues relating to message orientation and visual strength of meaning. A pitfall may be that potentially harrowing images may require sensitive procurement. Where do you place your artistic research within the current art world? Painting practice is fitting in relation to our erratic times as it intrinsically holds within it, abundant possibilities for examining feelings of change and variance, expressively, materially, and idiomatically. Presenting Satirical painting as alterity through specificity and focusing within the changing cultural framework of Alter modernity, I argue for a refined and nuanced discussion of the utilisation of satirical commentary within the representational painting genre. My literature review so far has indicated that Satirical painting has been, and continues to be, variously unaccepted, with very few practitioners, satire has seemingly held little credibility within the contemporary art world. However, my preliminary results have indicated a new positive reaction in relation to public conception and relationality, which has furthered my resolve for egalitarianism.Through multiple research avenues it has been noted that satire as a subject for painting, has garnered much interest from a broad societal base. Universality, the quality of involving or being shared by all people or things in the world or of a particular group, is the paradigm in which my own practice exists. My research seeks to understand how the lens of alter modernity casts the world. Alter modernity appears to create a broad relational dialogue: “Artwork as social interstice, the possibility of a relational art, the art taking as its theoretical horizon, the realm of human interactions, and its social truths through the auspices of alter modernity. An art form where the substrate is formed by intersubjectivity, the collective elaboration of meaning, that points to a radical upheaval of the aesthetic, cultural and political goals introduced by modern art.” (Bourriaud, N. 2009) The fortunes of representational painting within contemporary art seem to continuously wax and wane. There isn’t a year that goes by when commentaries on that apotheosis of contemporary art the Turner Prize declares that painting has been ignored or alternately painting is back in vogue. The death of painting is always being announced, year after year, yet, t it comes back again and again to haunt the feast of contemporary art. Presently, there are a vast number of figurative painters out there. Painting is very much back in vogue and is no longer the pariah it once was in certain curatorial circles. There is however room for satirical content that is currently somewhat . Do you have any new projects coming soon? What can we expect from you? Where can we see your work? My practice is an ongoing affair. Currently I generally complete 20-25 paintings within a 6 month period. I am fortunate enough to be able to formulate ideas for work pretty readeliy. I have an expansive imagination, and often have a number of projects in my ‘minds eye’ waiting their turn. I had a plan to complete 30 paintings of varying sizes by the end of my phd, I am at halfway point now, and I have completed 26. On my website, you can find my current work, I have also included a selection of my past work (differing styles) I regularly post new work to my website, and to all my social media links can be found on my website. Come and say Hello, Facebook in particular is a favourite, I have a lot of academic friends that I regularly have interesting conversations about art. My website: http// My next project is my largest piece yet 7x6’ I will be producing this over the summer. I envisage a 3 month timeframe for completion. I will be producing a video of my process along side conversing about painting and life. Finally, what platform, podcast, or artist would you recommend to our readers? Hundreds of artists have inspired me throughout my life. The contemporary painters that I admire include Neo Rauch, Ken Currie, and Peter Howson. Peter has video content available on you tube that I regularly watch: Original interview here
By John Hogan December 30, 2022
Painting has persisted despite innumerable efforts to negate it. Most explicitly, from the post-war period onward, painting has been fractured, deconstructed, and reconstructed again. Illustrated by the retreat from medium specificity, in the 1970’s, a move largely made in opposition to the hegemonic force of Greenbergian formalism and the expanded field. David Joselit has stated; “Painting was killed by revolutions, it was killed by commodities; it was killed by flatness, and it was killed by sheer boredom, but repeatedly it was resurrected only to die another day. This is painting’s modern tragedy: a modern form of history painting.” (Joselit. D 2002) What is painting if it is not based upon an intrinsic aesthetic, a pleasurable commodity? Painting operates in the realm of sensual and affective qualities. (Graw, I. 2018) However, Modernism is opposed to the notion of painting as a pleasurable commodity. Among the traditional distinctions shed by art after Modernism were the specifications of genres and media. This condition of ‘post-modern art’ has acquired titles such as the ‘dematerialized art object’ (Lucy Lippard); ‘Intermedia’ (Dick Higgins) and the ‘post-medium condition’ (Rosalind Krauss). The loss of this distinction between art and ‘life’ meant a corresponding loss of certainty about what the rightful object of aesthetics actually was. (Best, S. Halsall, F. J, O’Connor. 2006) However, Isabelle Graw, postulates; Paintings are not merely dependent on context; they are their context. Paintings' affectual potential understands it as a language, from a semiotic perspective, as a sign system. There is a deep connection between the sign and its effective force. (Graw, I. 2018) If then a painting is fundamentally a unique set of signs and symbols, it may be assumed that there is an awareness of the codification of the sign's power. The artist is enabled to fashion an accumulation of these signs and symbols to proliferate a favorably strong message. Iconographic signs, such as Metaphor, subversion, parody, analogy and irony will be utilised, singularly and collectively throughout my practice, to apportion perceived reality indication, that fruitfully engages, and posits multi-narrative realisation modes. The narrative and the notion of authorship within painting has been, and continues to be, variably sanctioned. However, I will argue that Narrative, allegory is crucial to our sense of identity and moral deliberation. Throughout its history allegory has demonstrated a capacity for widespread popular appeal, suggesting that its function is social as well as aesthetic, however, Postmodernism neither brackets nor suspends the referent but works instead to problematize the activity of reference. When the postmodernist work speaks of itself, it is no longer to proclaim its autonomy, its self-sufficiency, its transcendence; rather, it is to narrate its own contingency, insufficiency, lack of transcendence. (Owens, C.1980) I would argue that the heterogeneity of art necessitates a return to the importance of auto ethnographic practice. Artists are innately aware of the codices of visual aesthetics and utilise this knowledge to apportion meaning through allegorical narratives. Craig Owens Model of post modem allegory states; Allegories are always allegories of metaphor. However, reasoning, that allegorical narratives tell the story of the failure to read whereas tropological narratives tell the story of the failure to denominate. (Owens, C. 1980) I would argue that the artist positions their work both within a contextual framework and an aesthetic paradigm, continually aspiring to create an egalitarian approach. The aesthetic meaning encased within a work of art is highly subjective, both allegorical narratives and tropological narratives will remain a failure to read and dominate unless an understanding of the usage of the universality of visual language is employed to illicit accessibility, readability and moral empathy. “The critical mode of the narrative allegory, creates a recognition of post-structural codes, the valorisation of textuality, irony, and the arbitrary in meaning theory, alongside the corresponding devaluation of expressive and formal elements in art, has created a renewed critical interest that has instigated a revised revaluation of allegorical practice so that the marked prejudice of allegory throughout history has been reversed.”(Slemen, S. 1998) I will utilise the power of my creative imagination to pictorialise mind images through the paint medium, images that elicit strong meaning, and aspire to engender, emotional procurement. In this instance, the themes for my practice will involve issues around, but not exhaustive of, inequality, inhumanity, the power elite, war, famine, societal critique, greed, disproportionate wealth, abuse, political oppression and economic exploitation, debauchery, sexual deviance, cruelty, hatred, and moral imperfection. We are living today in a time of crisis, a time of high confusion and low light. Dazed and confused, social satire helps us name and situate today's social phenomena, it lets us talk about the conditions in which we live. (Pym, W. 2018) My project frames painting practice as fitting in relation to our erratic times as it intrinsically holds within it abundant possibilities for examining feelings of change and variance, expressively, materially, and idiomatically. Painting is attuned to change, and, so, in support of this, I contend that rectification in painting is continuously revealed culturally, materially, and through the vehicle of painting's vernaculars. Painting is both reflective and reactive. Oil Paint is a deeply sensitive medium to handle, it thoroughly records the actions of the artist, and the variables of how it can be applied are numerous and impactful. Conscious and subconscious intentions are formed. The confidence that the artists approach the painting and the speed with which the piece comes to have tangible effects on a painting. Graw postulates; There is an unambiguous and definable essence of painting with an instrumental conception of painting in which it can be used as a vehicle for commands, by virtue of its submission to an external subscription, which feeds into an independent existence that possesses authority and self-agency. (Graw. I. 2018) As a research methodology, painting is utilised for its capacity to communicate the capriciousness marking our times, a period where political and social volatilities are rife within dissimulated images and narratives, opposing egalitarianism. Capriciousness focuses on unpredictability, and the associative arcane feelings and features effects, in parallel to the character of our times. The term ‘capricious’ signs investigate what is perceived currently as an open-endedness in images and imageries (Joselit 2013). The plurality and open-endedness of satire correlates through its formless miscellany. “lanx satura, the "mixed" or "full platter," suggests that satire is a formless miscellany and food for thought” (Dustin, G. h. 1995) Satires food for thought correlates through capricious relationality. Capriciousness correlates to our perceptions of troubled times in a strange and shifting world (Popiel 2015) Painting in the figurative tradition has seen a new rise in popularity: There are today, a multitude of interesting positions in painting, each in its own way doubtlessly relevant to our times. Nevertheless, painting still must fend off the latent reproach of being reactionary, not least, because populist apologists for the medium often use reactionary arguments in its support, for example when celebrating the 'return of painting' as a renaissance of authentic artistic skills. (Verwoerd, J. 2018) The newfound interest in figurative painting, is framed, upon the backdrop of postmodernist ideologies. Conceptual Art at the end of the 60’s refutes once and for all the 'High Modernist' theory adduced by a critic such as Clement Greenberg, that true art must be conceived and executed in medium-specific terms. If one follows this argument through to its conclusion, then, the refutation of the primacy of medium specificity by Conceptual Art marks a historical caesura with normative effect and consequences that must inevitably be faced. (Verwoert, J. 2018) However, Terry Atkinson argues that twentieth century painting presents us with a curious twist regarding the idea of history painting: namely, that painting has become ‘about’ painting, which is unarguably an historical fact. (Atkinson, T. cited in: Green, D, Seddon, P. 2000) Graw reinforces ideation of paintings innate histrionic significance stating that painting has a specific omnipotence, the protagonists of today’s artworld are inclined to regard painting as inherently endowed with great symbolic significance, consequentially naturalising it as an institution. (Graw. I. 2018) Ken Currie a prominent contemporary exponent of representational figurative painting, stated, in a recent interview that; Alex Katz (A prominent American figurative painter) has said, that painting shouldn’t be mixed with other contemporary forms. Proclaiming that: “…painting ought to be shown separately from photography and video, in a contemplative space.” I would go further; said Currie, I don’t think painting has anything to do with what we call “contemporary art”. I think it’s an entirely separate art form now, with its own history, traditions and future. (Thompson, P. 2021)
By John Hogan November 21, 2022
Can satirical painting be reconceptualised in relation to the social dynamics of Altermodernity, allowing for an unambiguous articulation of accessible statements? Aims My art practice-based, studio-focused research project will pursue a renewed priority for the value of satire within the social dynamics of altermodernity through the specificity of painting. 1. I will argue for a specificity of satire within painting’s narrative, distinct from current satirical multimedia outlets such as comedy and film. To this end, the project will test Isabelle Graw’s claim, “Painting has an independent existence, possessing authority, and self-agency. There is an unambiguous and definable essence of painting, with an instrumental conception of painting in which it can be used as a vehicle for commands. Painting is in vogue in our digital economy, because it looks like a desirable, residual, sheltered space, in light of how social media colonise the private sphere.” (Graw, I. 2018) I will examine if painting possesses the capacity to bear this burden within mediatised culture and if it can sustain a unique specificity, as a stabilising format for visual communication within a turbulent visual field. 2. This context of mediatisation and turbulence was named altermodernity by curator Nicolas Bourriaud in the 2009 Tate Triennial. I aim to reconceptualise Satirical painting in a manner that enables it to articulate unambiguous and accessible statements in the context of Alter modernism's cultural dynamics. Nicolas Bourriaud the founder of Alter modernity states; “Starting from the standpoint of the extreme globalisation of world culture is to grasp afresh the emblematic gesture of modernity - the exodus, wrenching separation from the traditions, customs, and everything else that anchors an individual to a territory and the habits of a culture petrified by fixed ways of doing and saying things”. (Bourriaud, N. 2009) 3. I will research contemporary painters who are working within the paradigms of satire and propose how their work embodies potential avenues of development for the expansion of satirical painting within the context of altermodernity. I will examine how artists traverse satire’s expounded boundaries. “A strategic universalism, the artist as homo Viator, turns nomad, they transform ideas and signs, and transport them from one point to another”. (Bourriaud. N 2009) This process will also challenge barriers to satire’s acceptance and proliferation, along with the challenge of reactionary conceptions of painting within contemporary art. “Painting still fends off the latent reproach of being reactionary, not least, because populist apologists for the medium often use reactionary arguments in its support, for example when celebrating the 'return of painting' as a renaissance of authentic artistic skills.” (Verwoerd, J. 2018) 4. I will seek to validate Alter modernisms nomadism as transcultural universality, which offers an affordance of a broader spectrum for satire, as opposed to a politically secular one-culture view by undertaking an autoethnographic approach within my studio practice. I will produce a body of oil paintings, the satirical paintings will enable a confluence between image and observer, and will facilitate discourse, which can then be quantified and evidenced. My practice-led research will utilise self-reflection, drawing upon my own life experiences and discursive engagements with a range of interlocuters (curators, fellow researchers, gallery audiences, etc.) to inspire and inform my painting practice. As Homo-Viator It is my own life-experiences, and memories that I will navigate, emerging onto the canvas and promoting a feedback mechanism with the audience. Unique Life experiences describe; “An influence of enviro-bio-psycho-socio-spiritual perspectives of human development and behaviour during the life stages of conception through end of life” (Jordan, P. 2000) My methodology will demonstrate an interaction between my autoethnographic studio process along with feedback from audiences as an aspect of the practice, which will then be re-integrated back into the studio process. The relational dynamics of this feedback will be conceived as part of the practice and will inform testing and developing. Context My art practice-based research project will re-conceive satirical painting within the turbulent and mediatised context of altermodernity through an autoethnographic studio process, resulting in a series of large format oil paintings and the production of a range of exhibitions that test displays of these works in a range of cultural settings. The research will therefore operate within three key contexts – histories of satire, the context and theory of altermodernism, and the development of an auto-ethnographic studio practice. Satire The historical theoretical discourse of satire is comprehensive, especially within the frameworks of literature, and theatre. Conden stipulates; “A putative origin within Greek satyr plays, that accompanied early tragedy then developed into Attic comedy, was questioned by Julius Caesar Scaliger (1484–1558) and seemingly disproved by Isaac Casaubon (1559–1614) who effectively supported the claim by the Roman rhetorician Quintilian (AD 35–c.100), that satire was a Roman invention (Casaubon 1605; Quintilian 1920–1922: 10.1.93). Casaubon argued that the word satire derived from the Latin, satura, medley or stew; and something of this etymology survived in English with “satira” being a broad platter (Bailey 1735; Facciolatus and Forcellinus 1828).6 Casaubon’s case has largely been accepted from John Dryden to the twentieth century” (Dryden1693; Highet 1962). (Conden, C. 2012) Satire has survived a multitude of theoretical incarnations. “Satiric theory, at least since the Renaissance, is seen as a series of attempts to deny elements that have long clung to satire and challenged its claims to morality and artistic unity-satyr (the half man-half beast, suggesting that satire is lawless, wild, and threatening) and lanx satura (the "mixed" or "full platter," suggesting that satire is a formless miscellany and food for thought) (Dustin, G. h. 1995) Contemporary Satire continues to offer a composite of elements, that continue to test assumptions of satire’s relevance. Satire as a field of scholarly theory and classification is constantly reinvigorated by contemporary events that test satire’s assumptions within a heterogeneous society. Bad news is seemingly everywhere, this is the milieu in which contemporary satire exists. Satire today has great viability and impetus within a society that is seemingly estranged from itself. Boland states, “The overall consequence of satire and critical discourse is the diffusion of generalised cynicism which takes the public sphere as a theatre of absurdity”. (Boland 2012) In times of high insecurity, anger at social inequalities, and the general public's disillusionment of the power elite, have enabled a revived focus on humour and satire, expressing public opinion, and appeasing anger and frustration. My project will draw contrast between the conventionally emphatic address of satire to a coherent wrong and address the cultural complexity of alter modernity as a vehicle of satire. Alter Modernism Nicholas Bourriaund who coined the term Altermodernism, curated The Tate Britain Tate Triennial in 2009. At this time of global insecurity and world recession, there remained a context, of suffering, fear, and anxiety. Altermodernism offered a progressive ideology that described the strength of universality as shared ideas, and resources. Altermodern’s structure offered hope and guidance for a positive future, as opposed to a limited and excluding postmodernism of the colonial west. “Altermodernism describes an insistent sensibility that has emerged in contemporary art in Britain in tandem with marked cultural and social change across the world” (Bourriaud, N. 2009) Conceptionally, Altermodernism moves beyond the paradigms of post modernism, “Despite valiant recent attempts to move "the postmodern critique forward" (Allan), to generalise it into a "theory of the contemporary" (Connor), or to pluralise it into the more descriptive postmodernisms (Altieri), the postmodern does indeed appear to be a twentieth-century phenomenon, that is, a thing of the past”. (Hutcheon, L. 2002) The Tate biennial exhibition was curated to involve the artists that Bourriaud recognised as fulfilling the new Altermodern agenda. “The art is characterised by artists cross border, cross cultural negotiation; a new real and virtual mobility: the surfing of different disciplines, and the use of fiction as an expression of autonomy.”(Enwezor, O. 2008) Several of the artists that exhibited, fulfilled a representational painting perspective. Notably, Navin Rawanchaikul, a Thai artist whose ancestral roots are the Hindu-Punjabi communities of present-day Pakistan. Bourriaud wrote in a ‘letter to the editor', in Navin's Sala 2008; “This generosity of iconography: Perhaps we have got too used to a dry spell of thought, instead of highlighting this tradition as such, like those bad artists who have no other ambition than to conform to what the market demands of them.” (Bourriaud, N. 2009) By including Rawanchaikul’s work within the Altermodern exhibition, Bourriaud validates representational painting within contemporary art practice. Bourrriaud states; Artwork as social interstice; A relational art, an art taking as its theoretical horizon, the realm of human interactions and its social context, rather than the assertion of an independent and private symbolic space, that points to a radical upheaval of the aesthetic, cultural and political goals introduced by modern art. (Bourriaud, N. 1998) Auto ethnography The life experiences of the Homo viator artist can be seen as affective, an individual artist's sensibility is shaped by their environment and culture, the ‘wrongs’ of social inequalities and the injustices within, and permeated through the artist's Individual Somology. (envirobiopsychosocialspiritual). (Lawler) Somology that defines a unique artist as self-determined homo viator, exercising Individuality through ethnography, a tissue of memories/narratives, contextualisations shaping the figure of the artist becoming a series of nomandic routes, and articulated within the individual artist practice/studio process. Lawler states; “understanding the body as an integration of the object body into an experience so that it is simultaneously an object, a means of experience, a means of expression, a manner of presence among other people, and a part of one's personal identity” (Lawler 2006) Circumstance then, is a precursor to individual authorship, and seated within the auspices of self-determination. Self-determination is closely related to creativity, within artist’s self-determination, remains a strong catalyst for personal, and creative change. “The autonomy-creativity relation measures personal autonomy derived from self-determination. A long tradition of empirical research has established that personal autonomy is a core characteristic of the creative personality”. (M.K, Sheldon 1995) An autonomous self-determined Homo viator utilises self-reflection, writing and art, to explore anecdotal and personal experience. Auto ethnographers believe that personal experience is infused with political/cultural norms and expectations, they engage in rigorous self-reflection referred to as “reflexivity” to identify and interrogate the intersections between the self and social life. Fundamentally, auto ethnographers aim to show “People in the process of figuring out what to do, how to live, and the meaning of their struggles” (Bochner & Ellis, 2006) Autoethnography is essential for practice-based research because it values personal insights and enables the intimacy required to uncover valuable tacit knowledge. Using vignettes from life experiences, and symbolic interaction, autoethnography and other representations of self can be conveyed in a layered process. Martin Kippenberger is a proponent of autoethnographic methodology. Inspiration for artists often stems from personal experiences, and it was no different for Kippenberger. For example, He spent a great part of his life on the island of Syros, so it is no wonder that his first footprint of the ‘Metro-Net' (1993), was to be planted there. (Monat Shefte, K.H. 2007) Originality By presenting Satirical painting as alterity through specificity and focusing within the changing cultural framework of Alter modernity, I argue for a refined and nuanced discussion of the utilisation of satirical commentary within the representational painting genre, as affectual conscientious descriptor, and provocateur, above and beyond present contemporary multimedia, and modern art’s theoretical ideation. My research and practice evidence are both a protest of the historicises of modern and postmodern art ideology (anti-satirical, anti-narrative) and, to act as catalyst for engrossment within personal and societal understanding of satirical engagement and proliferation. My research project brings a new synthesis of these established modes within a practice-based project. Methodology My research is studio practice, and exhibition based. My paintings as case study will be a frame of reference for theory and practice assimilation, and presented to selected groups, as evidence. These private and public contexts of practice are the testing grounds for my research. Audience participation will be encouraged discursively through questionnaires and arranged interviews. Positioned as facilitator (exhibition) the satirical paintings will act as a catalyst, for individual and public debate. If successful, the work will sensitively engage, and gainfully procure emotional responses. The Studio is the context of auto-ethnographic painting where I will develop works that contextualise personal experiences and frame them at the junctures of social relations. This will be both thematic and structural, how I make a painting and arrange the components within it. It is also a space where I will test issues of format, scale and hang. As homo viator /nomadic practioner I will develop a pictorial language informed by learned experience, and the codices of satire to support my research. I will seek to measure the most significant moments in personal lived experience. As homo Viator, my critical analysis will enrich my process, the progress will inform my thesis, through satire, alter modernity, and auto-ethnography. The wider relational constitution of painting practice will also be a focus. My painting practice and the production of a body of large-scale paintings will offer a vehicle for affordance of meaning, satirical codification creates a structured method representing a unique homo viator experience. As an example of a unique experience related to practice, I will create a dialogue of my thought processes within a live experiential video sequence. (Recording paintings process through interpretation). I will record myself engaged in my practice, from a blank canvas beginning, the process will inform and support my studio practice by analysing my process. I will explain my vision, as I progress through the painting's development, and facilitate a discursive argument for the validity of my vision. Emergent ideas in the work, clashes and conflicts as positive values and visual cues/codices such as deviance, metaphor, parody and subversion will be analysed. To facilitate exhibition plans and testing points for the practice embedded within fixed feedback points in the process. It is my intention to organise and curate several exhibitions of my work. I will contact Clare Gannaway curator, contemporary art, Manchester Art Gallery, to attain advice and guidance regarding the planned Holden Gallery (Manchester) exhibition. Another planned exhibition is Preston bus station where there may be high footfall of an untrained and unbiased audience. Conversely, Holden gallery, Hammond gallery, and P1 gallery are within each university's remits with a high contingent of biased Academic peers, thus, collectively, offering a broad spectrum of societal interaction. I will ask for audience participation by supplying questionnaires, and participatory dialogue, to quantify message orientation, and effectiveness, and to ascertain positive and negative effects. A further selection of work from my research practice will be photographed and formatted for cross-digital orientation. The work will be used to augment a collection of data via surveys and questionnaires, from both social media and direct mail. I will venture out of my niche and field to find comparative analysis and arguments. Materials to be collected through fieldwork Museum/Painting visits and recording of data (audio and visual) and exploration will be analysed. I will organise a field study to attend the museum of Modern Art in Liverpool to view a Ken Currie painting within the museum's collection. The visits to view Ken Currie's paintings will inform the process of my practice by example and through the application of ideas and style. I will study the live painting and record visual, written and audio observations. I will also attend the Manchester Museum of Modern Art. I will locate Contemporary art that I consider contains satirical elements, the works and their satirical content will then be discussed with members of the public utilising Audio recordings/interviews. I will attend research Visits to the National Gallery London to view The Ugly Duchess: Beauty and Satire in the Renaissance, by Quinten Massys. I will Also, view the George Grosz collection to see how the gallery works with audiences and engages with their responses. It is my intention to visit the National collection London, to view William Hogarth's prints. I will also view the Roman writer Juvenal Decimus Junius Juvenalis (about AD 60 - 130), known as Juvenal. His 16 'Satires', organised into five books, which highlighted the weaknesses and folly of his contemporaries, particularly those who held public office. I will facilitate a Visit to Tate Modern to view Paula Rego’s. War (2003) within the permanent collection. My intention is to test the work publicly in the Hanover Project, Preston Bus Station, and the Holden gallery (Manchester Metropolitan University) this will allow me to test how the work functions contextually and how it informs the contexts in which it is situated. The work will engage audiences in a manner that is productive relationally and discursively. One-to-one interviews will be undertaken to understand individual opinions and objections. The critical analysis gained will enrich the project process and the process will inform my thesis. My practice will be formulated under the auspices of autoethnography. Autoethnography as reflective and discursive process. Autoethnographic evidence gathering will be utilised through personal participant observation techniques: Text, audio, video, user experience and reflection. The format of painting and drawing offers auto ethnographers the possibility of analysis and evocation. Self and society exist ‘sous rature’ and in difference from each other, thus making autoethnographic artwork a useful tool for symbolic interaction. (Rambo, C. 2017) An ongoing literature review will contextualise my practice. The completed socially engaged practice-based project will be supported by a 40,000-word thesis.
By John Hogan November 6, 2022
Dieter Declercq is Lecturer in Film and Media Studies at the University of Kent, UK. Focusing in particular on the existential value of popular media (especially satire, comedy and cartoons), his research is informed by methodologies from analytical aesthetics, media studies, and medical and health humanities. His research has been published in numerous journals, including The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, ImageText, Ethical Perspectives, and Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. Satire, Comedy and Mental Health examines how satire helps to sustain good mental health in a troubled  socio-political world. Through an interdisciplinary dialogue that combines approaches from the analytic philosophy of art, medical and health humanities, media studies, and psychology, the book demonstrates how satire enables us to negotiate a healthy balance between care for others and care of self. divBuilding on a thorough philosophical explication and close analysis of satire in various forms - including novels, music, TV, film, cartoons, memes, stand-up comedy and protest artefacts - Declercq investigates how we can harness satirical entertainment to ease the limits of critique. In so doing, the book presents a compelling case that, while satire cannot hope to cure our sick world, it can certainly help us to cope with it. ISBN: 978183906683 Pub: 13 January 2021 Emerald Publishing Ltd
By John Hogan October 23, 2022
Nicholas Bourriaud: Altermodernism: Tate Triennial
By John Hogan October 2, 2022
A critical view of painting
By John Hogan August 28, 2022
The Artist's Joke. Documents of Contemporary Art. Jennifer Higgie. A highly recommended book for art lovers. Part of the acclaimed Documents of Contemporary Art series of anthologies which collects writing on major themes and ideas in contemporary art. Ever since the Dadaists, humour in one or more of its guises- absurd, ironic, tragi-comic, mordant, gothically dark, deadpan, camp, or Kitsch, has frequently surfaced as a subversive, troubling or liberating element in Art. This anthology traces humour's role in transforming the practice and experience of art from the early twentieth century Avant-guards, through Fluxus and Pop, to the diverse, often uncategorisable works of some of the most influential artists today. The title traces the role humour plays in transforming the practice and experience of art, from the early twentieth-century avant-gardes, through Fluxus and Pop, to the diverse, often uncategorisable works of some of the most influential artists today. Artists' writings are accompanied and contextualised by the work of critics and thinkers including Freud, Bergson, Hélène Cixous, Slavoj Žižek, Jörg Heiser, Jo Anna Isaak and Ralph Rugoff, among others. Artists surveyed include Leonora Carrington, Maurizio Cattelan, Marcel Duchamp, Marlene Dumas, Fischli & Weiss, Andrea Fraser, Guerilla Girls, Hannah Höch, Mike Kelley, Martin Kippenberger, Barbara Kruger, Sarah Lucas, Paul McCarthy, Bruce Nauman, Claes Oldenberg, Raymond Pettibon, Francis Picabia, Pablo Picasso, Richard Prince, Arnulf Rainer, Ad Reinhardt, Ed Ruscha, Carolee Schneemann, David Shrigley, Robert Smithson, Annika Ström, Kara Walker and Andy Warhol. Writers include Hugo Ball, Henri Bergson, André Breton, Hélène Cixous, Sigmund Freud, Jörg Heiser, Dave Hickey, Jo Anna Isaak, Ralph Rugoff, Peter Schjeldahl, Sheena Wagstaff, Hamza Walker and Slavoj Žižek. Jennifer Higgie is the co-editor of frieze magazine. She has published writings on such contemporary artists as Ricky Swallow, Magnus Von Plessen and David Noonan. Paperback, 240 pages, 210 x 145 mm ISBN 978 – 085488 – 156 – 7 First published 2007 Around £16.99
By John Hogan July 4, 2022
I am now in my early 50’s. I have arrived at this juncture in my life via an accumulation of a particular set of circumstances, that have led me personally and professionally to, as I see it, a satirical catalyst. I believe it is necessary to place my reasoning for satire as a vehicle for practice and research within a contextual framework. Beginning with my personal history. I began life as the son of a working-class family. The eventual divorce, and subsequent breakdown of the family unit, led to verbal and physical abuse from a stepfather left on his own with myself after the divorce. I consequently made poor progress at school, and due to the enormous stress at home, I left the family home at 15. I was homeless for 2 years. I eventually found a bedsit to live in, Over the next few years, I was variously unemployed and employed in many manual low paid jobs, from working in factories to building sites to retail. I met a young lady who came from a middle-class family. I was encouraged to progress in life. I managed to gain a place at university BA (Hons) on the strength of my drawing ability. Three years later. I found myself unemployed again. I travelled to London with my A2 portfolio, I remained in London for three days and eventually found an agent. I began work for the agency in the 18 months that followed I successfully completed many professional illustrations to brief for a national and international client base. My success wasn’t looked on favourably by my future in-laws, and so I was encouraged to retrain. I attended nurse training. After 4 years training. I began work as a nurse firstly for the priory hospital 2 years, then onto the NHS. where I was employed as a nurse, within a high secure hospital for the criminally insane for four years. Eventually, the stress of the work and a breakdown in my marriage (together for 18 years, married for 4 years to the initial young lady I had met at the beginning. (We had a year-old baby girl) precipitated my nervous breakdown. I subsequently lost everything, my house, wife, etc. and limited access to my growing daughter. Satire is the only word that adequately describes my current practice. Social inquiry and commentary are implicit to my practice. As an artist /painter, I feel that it is within my remit, and indeed, my duty, to document the world to which I belong. I found that Painting in the fine art sense was fraught with disclaiming ideologies, particularly around the narrative aspects of image-making. I don’t have any limitations as far as my imagination is concerned. I can easily visualise any subject in my mind's eye I can see a whole image in its entirety. During my BA my knowledge broadened, and I understood how and why the media are powerful and influential in informing and socialising a consumerist society. Through my nurse training, I also understood social anthropology, sociology and psychology, encompassing the envirobiopsychosocialspiritual aspects of each individual. The knowledge attained through my nurse training also gave definition to all the questions I had always asked, I understood that we are all socialised and normalised, through our young lives and into adulthood. I understood society's inequalities, I saw the wider picture. This knowledge was expounded upon when I entered life as a qualified mental health nurse. Within the priory hospital I was responsible for conducting anxiety management groups for example. I nursed many professional people such as teachers and Business CEO’s police and fire service personnel, actors and celebrities. In short, I understood that people are vulnerable, from all walks of life, and I also found this to my own personal cost. During my time as a nurse for the NHS, I nursed both inpatients and within the community. I saw first-hand the social inequalities, the disenfranchised, the lost and the broken. I observed social deprivation, both alcohol and illicit drug abuse, child abuse, homelessness, suicide, homicide, and every other conceivable human deprivation. I read hundreds of patient histories and realised the depth of the inadequacy, inequality and social injustice of the normalised society in which we all live. I have always had faith in humanity, believing in a general precedence for good, however, I also understand that humans are fallible, we all possess a darker side, that occasionally, consciously or unconsciously, will out. I also understand that people are mostly a product of their unique experience, and genetics, of course, the whole nature/nurture debate remains unquantified. In reality, man's inhumanity to man, quantified by history, and sustained today, is a reflection of the state of mankind. Satire has a long history at the forefront of social and political commentary in western society https:// The Language of satire is fed to the masses through the mass media to varying degrees, on an almost daily basis, whether through the newspaper press, and programming through television and radio. Bad news is seemingly everywhere, this is the milieu to which satire exists. And what of the reasoning for a possible cynical viewpoint, that may illicit satirical discourse? The daily news brings us awful atrocities. World politics, and inequalities, war, famine, poverty, disenfranchised communities, infighting, abuse and neglect. Here in the UK, we are bombarded with our own social, political, inequalities, and injustices along with racism, rape, and homicide. Social hypocrisies are rife, the porn industry exists, just as tobacco, alcohol and some minor drugs, because of the financial, political and societal gain through taxation. The internet has changed the landscape of knowledge, conversely, it has expounded the landscape of satire by opening up the accessibility of human illicit practices to a broader public domain. For example, every conceivable kind of Pornographic deviance is easily found on the internet, inclusive of paedophilia, and beastiality. With a few clicks someone can purchase weapons, illegal drugs, and bomb-making equipment, when you are in possession of your bomb-making materials, you can then watch a video detailing the way to make the bomb work effectively, and further still, you can find a collective fascist group that will assist you in your radicalisation. Even the internet itself is a cloak and mirrors affair, The seemingly safe, security conscious Google etc. are easily replaced with an external unregulated legal browser such as the TOR browser where even more extensive human debauchery can be accessed. Main stream television has seemingly broadened the scope and breadth of alignment with public desensitisation ? By offering ever greater graphically illicit programming. The proliferation of TV programming with a pornographic bias, for example, with high levels of nudity, sexual intercourse, and sexual freedoms within occupations and personal gratifications. Contemporary Fine art has also been responsible for the synthesization of broader acceptance paradigms, for example, Jeff Koons series Made in Heaven series (1989) Was castigated by some as pure pornography, for many, the porn industry represents an archaic and outmoded view of women. It continues to promote an ideology of objectification and submission which is considered anti-progressive. There is concern that by normalising sex and subjugating the actors, porn and pornographic art may go as far as to encourage sexual violence. Koons stipulated however that, ‘I’m not interested in pornography, I’m interested in the spiritual, to be able to show people that they can have impact, to achieve their desires.’ (Koons 1990) The purpose of the proposed research therefore, is in three parts: To understand the context by which potentially disturbing images may lead to adverse reactions, even when the image context has been offered in a humorous and realistically honest framework. With specific regard to the painting of satirical imagery. To investigate envirobiopsychosociospiritual factors that may influence satirical and personally challenging imagery processing, and comprehension. I am also interested in finding how and why the general desensitisation of contemporary moral and ethical paradigms may have been driven by the seemingly ever-expounding cultural decadence. My research is not concerned with a wholly political view, of current cultural paradigms. Although, political overtones may be present. I am also unconcerned, with specific characterisation of political or public figures and celebrities. Any characterisation will be within, and limited to, the subtleties of the visually humorized aesthetic of the characters. The characters being the constituents of any given pictorial scenario, and related to the everyman. Rather, I wish to engage in a form of satirical social commentary, Satire specific to social commentary within painting is relatively unchartered. The narrative form of the work I am proposing is biased toward an overview of contemporary society, and realised through both my own creative imagination, and technique, and characterised by social, ethical and moral dilemmas pertinent to the everyman and everyday life, within modern society. An understanding of how the research will relate to my practice, will generally be more understood when my work is viewed in context. My style relies on humorised coding, and effects My style sits between both, in a void of its own, it has my unique sense of vision. My style is not chosen. Or preferred, it is my natural way to work, a style that has been developed over a long period. It is based upon my own lived experience and an In-depth evidence-based knowledge platform therefore satire is a natural extension, personally and professionally. My practice work will be synthesized within the constructs of my research by permeating through and amalgamating research with practice. The integration of a satirical body of work will aid in the production of an evidence base for these findings.
By John Hogan May 25, 2022
Painting Satire: Power Elite
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